Friday, November 21, 2014

Year 9 - Physics - 21-11-14

Thai Sikh International School
E-Learning Programme – Online Assignment –  21/11/2014

Name :                                                                                                                         Subject : Physics.
Year   : 9                                                                                                                 Assignment  No. : 5     

1.    To answer the following please refer lesson on Motion graphs: Draw the graphs for a car travelling at a) steady speed, b). higher steady speed, c). accelerating, d). stopped.
2.    How do you calculate gradient on a distance-time graph.
3.    Draw graphs for a car travelling with steady acceleration of 2m/s2, and 4m/s2., refer lesson on more motion graphs.
4.    What are uniform and non-uniform accelerations, explain with the aid of graphs. Refer page no:35 in your physics text book.

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